Parish News

30th Sunday in Ordinary time - 5th November 2023

Services this Week

Sunday 5 November 2023

Mass               10.00am


Holy Communion Service     10.00am


Holy Communion Service     10.00am


Holy Communion Service     10.00am

Vigil Mass           6.00pm

Sunday 12 November 2023

Mass                 10.00am    


In your charity, please remember in your prayers Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart, Sadie Clelland and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Hugh McGeachan, Sandy Romanes, Grace McAllister, Brian Potter, Julia Cameron, John Allison, Michael McAvoy and Ronnie Mitchell whose anniversaries occur at about this time. 


Latest News…


The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £408.90, , grateful thanks to all donors.


SVP News Christmas Lunch for our “slightly older” parishioners will be held on Thursday December 21st at the Corbie Inn. Meal requests will be collected later – note that it will be a meal only. Housebound parishioners we always give a gift token at Christmas time to the housebound. Do let us know of anyone in this position.


Archdiocesan Youth Day! A day of faith and fun for p4-7s on Saturday 25 November. Join us as we unpack Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. Games, talks, sweets, confessions, mass and more! 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Speak to the parish priest to register.


Dates for Your Diary:

November Service of Remembrance: 16th November 2023 at 7pm

Prayers at Bo’ness Cemetery: 5th November at 11.30am

Prayers at New Carriden Cemetery: 19th November 2023 at 11.30am

St Andrew’s Night Service: 3oth November 2023 at 7pm (tickets are £3 and include a fish supper)

Parents’ Evening for First Reconciliation: 16th January 2024 at 7pm

Parents’ Evening for Confirmation: 6th February 2024 at 7pm

First Reconciliation: 13th March 2024

Parents’ Evening for First Communion: 16th April 2024 at 7pm

Sacrament of Confirmation: 24th April 2024 (at Grangemouth)

First Holy Communion: 2nd June at 1pm

Please note that further information about the sacraments will be issued via St Mary’s RC Primary School soon. If your child does not attend St Mary’s Primary but is due to receive any of the above Sacraments this year (i.e., they are in Primary 3, 4 or 7), please contact Callum as soon as possible on callum,


November Lists: As we progress through the month of the Holy Souls, lists are available in the church hall. Please add the names of deceased relatives, friends and others who you would like to be remembered during our services at this time.


HCPT (Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust) Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Mikey McQueenie, a student at St Mungo’s Academy, is hoping to attend the HCPT pilgrimage to Lourdes next year.  St Mungo’s is hosting a quiz night fundraiser on 11th November at St Francis Xavier Church Hall. Mikey is looking for donations of prizes for the raffle at the quiz night. If you can help, please let Tony know.


Storehouse Food Bank and The Salvation Army Can you help to supply Christmas Dinners to those in need in the town? We have been asked to supply cranberry sauce, cream, jelly, custard and rice pudding. Also, we are looking for donations of new toys. The deadline for donations is 10th December. Financial donations instead of or in addition to gifts will also be gratefully received.


Society for the Protection of Unborn Children SPUC has written to us as part of a wider publicity and fund-raising campaign – their leaflet is available in the church hall. SPUC is raising funds for the  legal action that ‘Lydia’ is bringing against the abortion provider involved in her case – details of her story are in the hall - it makes harrowing reading. If you wish to support SPUC financially Direct Debit forms are also available in the hall.


Interreligious Dialogue Colloquium “With the Living God at the Centre” A two-part event on the role of religious experience in interreligious dialogue led by Professor Will Storar. For Catholics interested in or active in Interreligious Dialogue Part 1: Online 7pm November 24th (Open to all) Part 2: Residential at Conforti Centre Coatbridge, 23rd & 24th February 2024 (Limited places) See website