Parish News

Feast of Christ the King - 24 November 2019

Services for the Week:

SUNDAY: Mass at 10.00 am

MONDAY: Mass at 10.00 am

TUESDAY: Communion Service at 10.00 am

WEDNESDAY: Communion Service at 10.00 am

THURSDAY: Mass at 10.00 am

FRIDAY: Communion Service at 10.00 am

SATURDAY: Mass at 10.00 am; Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm

Confessions: After Saturday morning Mass and 5.30 – 5.55 pm


Mass intentions:

Vigil – Peter Croxford    

 Sunday –People of the parish

 Monday – Janusz Flis     

 Friday – David and John Burns

 Saturday Fr. Patrick Kelly  


In your charity, please remember in your prayers, Scott Allan, Jean McCullough, Annie Kennedy and all the sick and housebound. Also, David Burns, Nellie Maguire,  Dom McCann, John McGill, Isobel Savage, Maisie Tooey and John Ure,, whose anniversaries occur about this time.


SVP NEWS - Christmas Lunch will be held on Friday 20th, 12 for 12.30pm, at Fison’s, Linlithgow Road (please note the change of venue). We will be compiling menu requests over the next few weeks. Just a reminder that the event is for church members. If you wish to bring a friend, carer etc you are most welcome to do so, but we need to know the numbers for catering, and we respectfully expect a donation for outsiders.

COLLECTIONS - The Offertory Collection last weekend realised £430.42, and the Second Collection, £125.69. Grateful thanks to all donors! Today there will be a special collection for the Catholic Education Service.

BO’NESS CHURCHES TOGETHER – the Bo’ness churches are helping Storehouse and the Salvation Army to supply Christmas Dinners etc for people in need in this area. St Mary’s has been asked to provide desserts: Christmas Puddings, Mince Pies, Custard, Trifles, Jelly, Cream, Cranberry Sauce and Rice….. and also any other donations, including new toys in their original packaging. The final ‘pick-up’ day will be Monday, 16th December.

Also, on Saturday 30th November there will be a Coffee Morning 10:00am – 1:00pm in Carriden Church; Donations of home baking will be welcomed.

And on Sunday 1st December is the Advent Carol Service at 6:30pm in Carriden Church; there will be refreshments afterwards.

Proceeds from these two events will be given to the homeless group based in Edinburgh Bethany Christian Trust


The Ladies Club at St Michael’s has once again extended a welcome to the ladies of St Mary’s to join them in their programme of events. Upcoming events are:

4 December: Floral Art Demonstration

11 December: Christmas Dinner at Bridgend Golf Club


Anyone who will be alone on Christmas Day is invited to attend at the Salvation Army Hall. The Service begins at 10:30am. Meal begins at Noon and finishes at 4:00pm. Transport is included if required. Please leave your name in the hall if you wish to attend.

SCOUT POST – A post box and stamps for the Scout Post will be in the Church Hall during December. Cards will be delivered in the Bo’ness area. Stamps cost 30p each. This is less than half the price of a second class stamp.  The last collection from the hall will be Sunday 16 December.

CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK: We are marking Catholic Education Week, which is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the work done by our Catholic schools both academically and spiritually. We are pleased to welcome pupils and staff from St. Mary's Primary School this Sunday, and thank the pupils for helping at today's Mass. Please keep our Catholic schools in your prayers.


Tea and Coffee will be served after Sunday Mass today…. Hope you can join us!!