Parish News

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - 27th August 2023

Services this Week

Sunday 27th August 2023

Mass            10.00am


Holy Communion Service    10.00am


Holy Communion Service    10.00am


Holy Communion Service    10.00am

Vigil Mass          6.00pm

Sunday 3 September 2023

Welcome to Fr Emmanuel

Mass         10.00am 

Teas and coffees after Mass


In your charity, please remember in your prayers Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Peter Young, Elizabeth Johnston, John Ian McAllister, William Simpson, Mary Rutherford and James Haggerty whose anniversaries occur at about this time.


Latest News…


The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £516.63 and the special collection for the African Missions realised £280.79, grateful thanks to all donors.


Father Forrest wishes to thank all of those who remembered him on his 90th birthday, who came along to the Celebration Mass and all who helped to make the evening such a success. Thank you!

Fr Emmanuel Ndukwu is a priest of the Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy Congregation (SMMM), a Religious Order founded by the late Bishop Anthony Gogo Nwedo CsSp. The Charism of the SMMM is "witnessing to God's Mercy through service to God and humanity.” While Fr Emmanuel has been appointed as the parish administrator for the parish of St Mary of the Assumption in Bo’ness,  Fr Francis Ututo SMMM (Parish Priest at St Cuthbert’s on Slateford Road in Edinburgh) is the Regional Superior of the Congregation’s United Kingdom Region. The SMMM priests are happy to serve you all to the glory of God, the growth of our parish and salvation of our Souls. May God bless you all.


Fr Emmanuel will join us from the beginning of September, and we look forward to him joining our friendly and welcoming parish community. There will be tea, coffee and refreshments on Sunday 3rd September to give him the chance to get to know us all. 


Arrival of Father Emmanuel: When Father Emmanual arrives as our parish Administrator in September he will be housed in Grangemouth. However, Father has not yet passed his UK driving test, so we are looking to put together a rota of drivers to transport him to and from Grangemouth when necessary. There is a list in the hall so please add your name and contact details if you can help in any way. Thank you.


SVP News: Thanks to your generosity we were able to send£1000 to the SVP Overseas Aid Fund. This will help to provide things like education, medicine, shelter, clean water to poor parts of the world. Cashless Society – as we slowly move towards a cashless society it is possible to donate to SVP by bankers order monthly or even yearly. Contact us for details.

Christmas Lunch: we hope to start this again in some form (details later) although it may just be a lunch.


Safeguarding Training There will be mandatory safeguarding training for all parish volunteers who routinely work with children or vulnerable adults. This will take place on Monday 18th September at 7pm in the church hall. If you are unable to attend or unsure if you are required to, please speak to Callum or email


RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the official title given to the journey taken by adults who wish to become Catholic. So often we are approached by families or individuals where someone attends Mass regularly and either wishes to become Catholic or wants to find out more about the faith. If this is you, or you know someone who would like to explore their faith, we’d like to offer a very warm welcome to our RCIA open evening in the church hall on Wednesday 27th September at 7.30pm! We will be joined by those who have made this journey before and will discuss what the sessions would look like. 


Altar Servers Day A day of faith, fun, and friendship for altar servers takes place at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh on Saturday 16 September at 10:30am to 3:00pm. Please speak to any passkeeper for more information.


Season of Creation Friday 1 September is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It launches the Season of Creation which concludes on 4 Oct. This year’s theme is Let Justice and Peace flow. The Holy Father’s message for the day can be read at


Carfin Pilgrimage The Annual National Pilgrimage to Carfin takes place on Sunday 3 September. Join Archbishop Cushley and Bishops from across Scotland to pray for peace, particularly in the Ukraine.


Caritas, Justice & Peace Mass The annual Caritas, Justice and Peace Mass takes place at St Columba's Church, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, at 6:30pm on Monday 4 September. This year’s preacher is Fr Ian Stevenson, Principal RC Chaplain (Army) & Deputy Assistant Chaplain General who will speak on the theme: 'Peace in a Military Context'.  After Mass there will be a hot food buffet. Please register at so organisers can estimate numbers for catering.