Third Sunday of Lent: Sunday, March 23, 2025
Services this week
6.00pm Vigil Mass
10.00am Mass (Quoc Thong &Family (Peace in Family and Work))
No Mass
10.00am Mass ( Rosemary Houston, rip)
7.00pm Stations of the Cross
10.00am Mass (Bridget Walsh, rip)
5.30pm Exposition
6.00pm Mass
9.30am Rosary
10.00am Mass (Sick and Housebound)
10.00am Mass
5.30pm Confessions
6.00pm Vigil
Sunday – Fourth Sunday of Lent
10.00am Mass (Barry Anderson, Rip ( Anniversary)
In your charity, please remember in your prayers:
Pope Francis, Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Jan Stewart, Baby G, Gillian Jamieson, Tricia Henderson, Alex Davie, Margaret Temperley, Mary Wright and Jim Paterson and all the sick and the housebound; Also, Susan Dunn, Angus McDonald, Charles Hickman, Jay Stewart, Christopher McCrea Snr., Joseph Ruth and John Murray whose anniversaries occur at about this time.
The Offertory Collection last weekend amounted to £378.45 in addition £345 per month is given through the direct debit facility. Grateful thanks to all donors.
A Message from Archbishop Cushley: “On Sunday 30 March there will be a special collection at all parishes for Papal & Episcopal Charities (including SCIAF). 75 per cent of the collection goes to SCIAF and 25 per cent to the Archdiocesan Care Fund. Last year £38,000 was raised from this collection; £28,500 went to SCIAF and £9,500 went to the Archdiocesan Care Fund. With your kind donations Care Fund grants went to: Bethany Care Trust (Homeless support), Ukraine Project (rehabilitation centre in Ukraine), Across (Pilgrimages for people with severe disabilities) and FAFCE (Promoting Family Life at the UN, EU and Council of Europe). We pray for all those involved in charities which help those in need in the Archdiocese and across the world, including the good work of SCIAF. Thank you for your generosity in almsgiving this Lent.”
RCIA – Join us for the upcoming RCIA sessions which are held at 7pm at St Mary’s. All are welcome whether you wish to become Catholic or to just learn about our faith. The next sessions will be held on 24th and 31st March at 7pm .
The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 4th – 6th April 2025 at Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For details contact Louise on 07926 571004 or e-mail:
Spring Recital 2025 The Scottish Polish Cultural Association invites you to a recital on the Yaniewicz &Green Square Piano on Sunday 30th march at 3.00pm at the General Maczek Polish House (former ex Combatants), 11 Drummond place, Edinburgh EH3 6PJ. Tickets including a glass of wine are £13 bookable via the SPCA website
Congratulations to all our young people who made their first confession at the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday.