Parish News

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - 3 September 2023

Services this Week

Sunday 3 September 2023

Welcome to Fr Emmanuel

                         Mass     10.00am

Monday     Holy Communion Service     10.00am

Tuesday            Mass     10.00am

Friday               Mass     10.00am

Saturday     Holy Communion Service     10.00am

                     Vigil Mass       6.00pm

Sunday 10 September 2023             Mass     10.00am


In your charity, please remember in your prayers Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Nan Tooey, David Miller, Jean Cumming, James McAvoy and Ben Rutherford whose anniversaries occur at about this time.


Latest News…


Welcome Father Emmanuel, it’s great to have you join us and we all look forward to getting to know you!


The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £411.50 including a donation of £25, grateful thanks to all donors.


Carfin Pilgrimage

The Annual National Pilgrimage to Carfin takes place today (Sunday 3 September). Join Bishops from across Scotland to pray for peace, particularly in the Ukraine.


Pregnancy support

On the Feast of Mother Teresa learn how Pregnancy Support is provided in our Archdiocese and how you can help. This webinar takes place this Tuesday (5 September) at 7:45pm on Zoom. Register at


Altar Servers Day

A day of faith, fun, and friendship for altar servers takes place at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh on Saturday 16 September at 10:30am to 3:00pm. Please speak to Father Emmanuel for more information.


Season of Creation

The Season of Creation has begun and concludes on 4 October. This year’s theme is Let Justice and Peace flow. Find out more news and event details at


Caritas, Justice & Peace Mass

The annual Caritas, Justice and Peace Mass takes place at St Columba's Church, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, at 6:30pm this Monday (4 September). This year’s preacher is Fr Ian Stevenson, Principal RC Chaplain (Army) & Deputy Assistant Chaplain General who will speak on the theme: 'Peace in a Military Context'.  Hot food buffet after Mass. Please register at


Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage

The 2023 National Pilgrimage to pray for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair is on Sunday 17 September at St Patrick's Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1NA. 12:30-1:50pm Refreshments and sale of candles & goods; 2:00pm Holy Hour with Rosary, Confession, Silence, Hymns & Benediction; 3:00pmReflection & Novena Prayers; 3:30pm break for refreshments and sale of candles & holy items; 4:30pm Holy Mass.


Talk series at the Cathedral.

St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh is hosting a series of special talks in October with US theologian Professor James Edwards. Tickets and details at