Parish News

Fifth Sunday of Lent: 26 March 2023

Services this week

  • Sunday 26th March 2023: Mass at 10am
    Fifth Sunday of Lent
  • Monday 27th March 2023: Funeral Mass for Kevin Doak (RIP) at 12.30pm
    Monday in the Fifth Week of Lent
  • Tuesday 28th March 2023: Lenten Service at 7pm (Entrance to the church will be via the sacristy)
    Tuesday in the Fifth Week of Lent
  • Saturday 1st April 2023: Vigil Mass at 6pm
    Vigil Mass of Palm Sunday of the Passion of our Lord
  • Sunday 2nd April 2023: Mass at 10am
    Palm Sunday of the Passion of our Lord

In your charity, please remember in your prayers...

Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, and Gerry Henderson and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Angus McDonald Senior, Charles Hickman, Paddy and Jay Young, Christopher McCrea, Joseph Ruth and John Murray whose anniversaries occur about this time. And Kevin Doak who died recently and whose funeral takes place on Monday at 12.30pm.

Latest News

Services this Week: The repairs to the church hall following the recent flood damage commence on Tuesday this week. Because of this there will be no morning services on Monday, Friday or Saturday. For Tuesday evening's Lenten Service, please enter the church via the Sacristy door in the car park. Masses will be celebrated as normal next weekend to for Palm Sunday.

This weekend we gather for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, which also marks the beginning of Passiontide. During the final two weeks of Lent, our minds are drawn to the events of Jesus' passion and death, and as we prepare to recall these events there are physical changes in the church to help us reflect on this sombre time. This includes the veiling of statues and crosses, and while the crucifix on our ceiling is a bit out of reach you will notice that the lights that illuminate it will be switched off during this time.

The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £392.40 and the special collection for Papal and Episcopal Charities raised £513.40 - grateful thanks to all donors.

St Mary’s RC Primary School’s Faith in Action Group is organising a Bake Sale on Wednesday 29th March to raise money for SCIAF. We really need some help to make sure we have enough cakes and treats for the children to sell and raise as much money as possible. Any donations of home baking that the children could sell in school would be very gratefully received. Baking should be sent into school on the morning of 29th March, please. We ask that no nut products are used in any baking. If you would like your box or container returned to you after the sale, please put your name and “St Mary’s RC Church” on it and we will return the boxes to the Church for you to collect.

Thank you for your support,

St Mary’s Faith in Action Group, Mrs McCammon & Mrs Park.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Congratulations to the Primary 3 children who experienced the love and mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time earlier this week. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they continue along their journey of faith!

St Michael’s Ladies’ Club: The Ladies’ Club at St Michael’s RC Church in Linlithgow would like to extend an invitation to St Mary’s parishioners to their evening with the illusionist Drew McAdam. This will take place at 7.30pm on 12th April in the Queen Margaret Hall. Please let a passkeeper know if you’d like to go along so that information regarding numbers can be sent to the group in Linlithgow. 

Palm Sunday talk: Archbishop Leo hosts a talk about Palm Sunday on Monday 27 March at 7:30pm. It is for those who want to better understand the background to the liturgy and prepare for the day. Register for this Zoom talk at

Archdiocesan Stations of the Cross: Start Holy Week by joining people across the Archdiocese online for Stations of the Cross. It takes place on Monday 3 April at 7:45pmon Zoom and is a chance to pray for all pro-life intentions. Includes a reflection from Archbishop Leo. Register at

Called & Gifted Workshop: Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. It is hosted by the Archdiocese in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details and registration at   

Gift Aid Envelopes: the new envelopes for the coming year are now available in the church hall.

Holy Week Services: Details of all the Services for Holy Week are available in a handout in the hall. Please take one after Mass. You can click here to see the handout online.