Divine Mercy Sunday - 7th April 2024
Services this week
Sunday 7th April 2024
10.00am Mass
10.00am Holy Communion service
10.00am Mass (Angus McDonald rip)
10.00am Mass (Angus McDonald rip)
6.30pm Exposition
7.00pm Mass (Jessie Rintoul, Rip)
9.30am Rosary
10.00am Mass (James Smith (good health))
10.00am Holy Communion Service
5.30pm Confessions
6.00pm Vigil Mass (James Walker, rip)
Sunday 14 April 2024
10.00am Mass (For the Sick and Housebound)
In your charity, please remember in your prayers
Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart, Sadie Clelland, Peter Haggerty and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Mary Nawroca, Leo McMoran, Sammy Martin, Agnes Dewar, William Kelly, Catherine Foley, Chris Ward Birkby, Charlie Markie and James Temperley. whose anniversaries occur about this time.
Latest News…
SVP News: Caravans. We have been allocated two dates for the caravan site at Port Seton – Saturday August 10th and Saturday August 17th – for parishioners who would not otherwise get a holiday. Contact SVP if you are interested.
The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £561.36 - grateful thanks to all donors.
Gift Aid: If you are a taxpayer and not currently in the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining; signing a simple form is all that is required. The scheme allows us to claim back from the Government 25% of your envelope offerings. In the last Final Year (2023/2024) envelope offerings amounted to just over £12,000 and the loose offerings amounted to just over £10,000. If a sizeable proportion of the loose offering were to be included in the Gift Aid scheme, then this would significantly increase our tax rebate. This is particularly important currently because our outgoings are significantly greater than our income. William McAllister or Tony Edwards can provide further details if you are interested in finding out more.
Volunteers for the Garden: With Spring having arrived the work on the parish gardens increases apace. There is currently only a very small group that regularly tend to our award-winning grounds. More volunteers are needed to help spread the load – if you could even just give an hour or so of your time it would be such a great help.
SCIAF ‘Wee Boxes’: It is now time for the return of the ‘Wee Boxes’ – just leave them on the table in the hall.
Deeply Devoted: This event will throw light on the prayers and practices that can help us live a life of holiness. It takes place on Saturday 27 April 2024 at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.
SPUC's Pro-Life Chain will be the main event in Edinburgh's Festival of Life on Saturday 27 April. On that day we remember with sadness the start of legalised abortion in the UK. But we look forward with hope and joyful celebration of the unique value of every human life. More and more organisations and individuals are getting involved in pro-life work including, churches, doctors, nurses and pregnancy support organisations.
Explore: A Retreat for Young Women: Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next one takes place on Sunday 21 April, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. Email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk to register.
The annual Mass for Married and Engaged Couples is on Wednesday 29 May at 7.15pm in St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. Come and celebrate the gift of marriage, renew your commitment and receive God's blessing upon your love.