First Sunday of Advent - 18th February 2024
Services this Week
Sunday 18h February 2024
10.00am Mass (Chris Callaghan)
10.00am Holy Communion Service
10.00am Mass (Michael Feechan Rip)
10.00am Mass
7.00pm Stations of the Cross
7.30pm Mass
7.00pm Exposition and Private Prayers
7.30pm Teaching Session (Know Your Faith)
9.30am Rosary
10.00am Mass (Christopher Duncan Rip)
10.00am Holy Communion Service
5.30pm Confessions
6.00pm Vigil Mass (Shug Temperley Rip)
Sunday 25h February 2024
10.00am Mass (Chris Callaghan)
In your charity, please remember in your prayers..........
Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart, and Sadie Clelland and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Mary Hickman, Dot Earl, Joseph Cameron, Peggy McLaughlin, Mary McLaughlin, Irena Biagini, Mary Madden, Annie Andrews, Russel McAllister, Agnes Cain, Francis Boyd and Margaret Murray whose anniversaries occur at about this time. Also, Richard Blair who died recently.
Latest News…
The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £582.17, Including donations from SVP, for the bus and from the Music and Movement Group, grateful thanks to all donors.
The Bo’ness World Day of Prayer will be held here in St Mary’s R.C. Church on Friday 1st March at 7:00pm. Refreshments to follow. All are welcome.
The Beginning Experience is holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from -7th April 2024 at St Mary’s, Kinnoull, Perth. For details contact: Louise on 07926 571004 or email: Completed application forms need to be returned by 22 March 2024.
The Fabric and Finance Committee will meet in the Hall today at 3pm
The Funeral of Richard Blair will take place at 10am on Wednesday 21st February. His remains will be received into the church at 5pm on Tuesday 20th February.
Pathways of Hope
A forum on Catholic Social Teaching and Poverty titled ‘Pathways of Hope’ takes place on Saturday 16 March 10:30am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Register at
Lenten Message from the Archbishop
“My dear friends,
Ash Wednesday is this week and marks the beginning of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence as we head into six weeks of spiritual preparation for Easter Sunday. Below is my message for Lent.
I want to offer three things that we can do in Lent.
Get your Ashes - Make every effort to get your ashes on Ash Wednesday and embrace this day of prayer and fasting. The ashes signify repentance and our mortality. When the priest places the ashes on your forehead he says: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. Or he will say: “Repent and believe the Gospel”. So, it is a chance to come before God in humility and to say sorry for our sins.
Prioritise prayer - Pope Francis has suspended his busy schedule for the first week of Lent to dedicate himself to private, prayerful, spiritual exercises. He is putting prayer first, and we can follow that example. Whether that means getting up a little earlier to spend time with the Lord, or switching off the TV or radio, let us prioritise prayer each day in Lent.
Make sacrifices - Often we resolve to ‘give up’ something in Lent, such as chocolate, alcohol, caffeine. Done in the right spirit, with an intention to get closer to God, this is a good thing. Let us also make sacrifices for others, to help them, especially when it may be inconvenient to ourselves. That way we can imitate Jesus who sacrificed his life for us all. Please also read the Holy Father’s message for Lent here.
God bless you,
+Leo Cushley”
The SCIAF Wee Boxes are available in the Hall.
There will be tea and coffee after next Sunday’s 10am Mass. All welcome!
PS. Congratulations to Father Emmanuel who passed his driving test first time!!