Parish News

Fourth Sunday of Advent: 24th December 2023

Services this Week

  • Sunday 24th December 2023 (Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve)
    • Mass at 10.00am (Intention: Bridget Timms, RIP)
    • Carol Service at 11.30pm followed by Midnight Mass (Intention: Sadie Mulraney, RIP)
  • Monday 25th December 2023 (Christmas Day)
    • Midnight Mass at 12.00am (Intention: Sadie Mulraney, RIP)
    • Mass at 10.00am (Intention: Sadie Mulraney, RIP)
  • Tuesday 26th December 2023 (St Stephen)
    • Mass at 10.00am (Intention: Sadie Mulraney, RIP)
  • Saturday 30th December 2023
    • Vigil Mass of the Feast of the Holy Family at 6.00pm (Intention: Sadie Mulraney, RIP)
  • Sunday 31st December 2023 (The Holy Family)
    • Mass at 10.00am (Sadie Mulraney, RIP)

In your charity, please remember in your prayers...

Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart, and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Joseph McIntosh, Vince Boardman, James Valance, William Dowd, John MacBeth and Margaret Clelland whose anniversaries occur at about this time. 

Latest News…

Tomorrow (Monday) is the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, or Christmas Day. We would like to wish all parishioners a very happy and holy Christmas!

If you wish to use the minibus for either Midnight Mass or Morning Mass on Christmas Day, please add your name to the list in the hall.

Thank you to all who have volunteered in the parish over the year. In a special way we would like to thank all those who have been working hard to prepare for Christmas, and in particular we must thank Helen and her team who have prepared the church itself and ensure it is looking so wonderful!

Fr Emmanuel would like to thank all those who have given cards, gifts and remembered him in prayer this Christmas. Fr Peter also sends his best wishes to the parish, and Fr Forrest has sent the following message: “I wish to thank each and every one of you for so much kindness shown to me this Christmas”.

200 Club: The winner of the Christmas Draw is Maria Ford. Congratulations!

The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £450.82, grateful thanks to all donors. 

Job Vacancy: The Archdiocese is looking to recruit an Estates Surveyor (full-time). The role holder should have significant property related experience and ideally be RICS qualified. For details and how to apply visit Closing date for applications is Monday 13 January.

Mass for the Feast of the Holy Innocents will be celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at midday on Thursday 28 December at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. (Registration is not essential, but helps with catering:

Diploma in Catechetics 2024: Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar. Includes guided readings, one-to-one support and a retreat. The course begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Visit Questions? Please contact

Explore God’s will: Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

The Archdiocesan Music Day is on Saturday 27 January 2024 at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. It is for those who contribute to the liturgy in their parish through music and/or singing, as well as for anyone interested in finding out more about sacred music. Details to follow soon.

The Archdiocesan Valentine’s Retreat for Married and engaged couples will take place at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh, on Saturday 10 February 2024. Details to follow soon.