Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday): 16 April 2023
Services this week:
- Sunday 16 April 2023: Divine Mercy Sunday
Mass at 10am - Monday 17 April 2023: Monday in the Second Week of Easter
Funeral Mass for Jean Marie Ferguson at 12pm - Friday 21 April 2023: Friday in the Second Week of Easter
Holy Communion Service at 10am - Saturday 22 April 2023: Saturday in the Second Week of Easter
Holy Communion Service at 10am
Vigil Mass at 6pm - Sunday 23 April 2023: Third Sunday of Easter
Mass at 10am
In your charity please remember in your prayers...
Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Gerry Henderson and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Sophie McIntosh, Nan McKinley, Esther McCallum, James Stirling and Beth MacDougall whose anniversaries occur about this time.
Latest news...
This weekend we welcome Fr Peter Kelly to celebrate the Vigil and Sunday Mass.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Holy Week Masses, liturgies and services. From our Ecumenical Way of the Cross to the celebrations of the Triduum, there were great attendances and participation so thank you to everyone who came along. Thank you to all those who made it possible, especially those who cleaned and decorated the church including arranging the flowers, those who ensured that the services were available online, our organist Martin and visiting organist Alison, our passkeepers, and those who arranged refreshments following our Ecumenical Way of the Cross and Easter Sunday Mass. We are very lucky to have so many people who pull together to make things run as smoothly as possible in the parish, and we are grateful to each and every one of you.
Our live streaming equipment has been upgraded thanks to a very generous donation from an anonymous benefactor. This has included the installation of our large screens which we have now been using for a few weeks, and more recently included the addition of a new camera and some work behind-the-scenes to ensure that those who cannot be with us in person can experience as much of our wonderful parish community as possible. We are very grateful to the donor who has made this possible!
The funeral Mass of Jean Marie Ferguson (née McLean) will take place this Monday, 17th April, at 12pm. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred on children from St Mary’s RC Primary School in Bo’ness and Sacred Heart RC Primary School in Grangemouth here at St Mary’s this Wednesday evening, 19th April, at 7pm. The Archbishop will visit to confer the sacrament. Please keep the children in your prayers.
The annual parish assembly will take place on Sunday 30th April at 11am, after the morning Mass. This will involve the annual update from the Parish Pastoral Council and Fabric and Finance Committee. It would be wonderful to see as many parishioners as possible there and we hope parishioners who usually attend the Vigil Mass might be able to come along for this meeting. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided!
If you are looking to arrange a baptism, please speak to any of the passkeepers who will happily provide a registration form. Please complete this and return it to any of the passkeepers so that we can begin to make arrangements with you.
Please consider volunteering in the parish! There’s lots to get involved in and put your faith into action, and we’re confident that there’s something for everyone. From the Society of St Vincent de Paul to children’s liturgy, readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (either at Mass or conducting home visits to housebound parishioners), gardeners, passkeepers, cleaners, our digital ministry operating the live stream and more, we hope you’ll consider getting involved. Many of these roles operate on a rota basis so you may not be required every week. To find out more, speak to any passkeeper or email
For those interested in the history of the Catholic Church in Scotland, the Scottish Catholic Directories have been digitised and can now be found online, dating back to 1830:
On Saturday, 22nd April Edinburgh’s “Festival for Life” will take place. Building on the SPUC’s pro-life chain the “Festival for Life” now has 3 events for you so you can choose which to attend:
10am – Pro-Life Rosary with Archbishop Cushley at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, EH3 9DJ. You can register for this at
11am – National Pro-Life Chain – assemble by the Sheraton Hotel, on Lothian Road (organised by SPUC).
1.15pm – Lunch and drinks. There will be a soup lunch nearby we’d love you to stay for a drink, it’s always good when pro-lifers get together. No charge for lunch!