Second Sunday of Lent: Sunday, March 16, 2025
Services this week
6.00pm Vigil Mass (Mark and John Temperley, Rip)
Sunday - Second Sunday of Lent
10.00am Mass (Patricia Dittmann, Rip)
No Mass
10.00am Mass (Jessie Rintoul, Rip)
7.00pm Stations of the Cross
10.00am Mass
5.30pm Exposition
6.00pm Mass ( Benedict Ndukwu, Rip)
9.30am Rosary
10.00am Mass ( Susan Dunn, Rip)
10.00am Mass
5.30pm Confessions
6.00pm Vigil
Sunday – Third Sunday of Lent
10.00am Mass
In your charity, please remember in your prayers:
Pope Francis, Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Jan Stewart, Baby G, Gillian Jamieson, Tricia Henderson, Alex Davie, Margaret Temperley, Dorothy Brankin, Mary Wright and Jim Paterson and all the sick and the housebound; Also, Linda Kilgallon, Catherine Orr, Agnes Carlin, Lawrence Tooey, John Owen Spiers, James Kenny, George Stewart and Canon Hanlon whose anniversaries occur at about this time
The Offertory Collection last weekend amounted to £496.65 in addition £345 per month is given through the direct debit facility. Grateful thanks to all donors.
RCIA – Join us for the upcoming RCIA sessions which are held at 7pm at St Mary’s. All are welcome whether you wish to become Catholic or to just learn about our faith. The next sessions will be held on 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st March at 7pm .
An Invitation from the Ladies Group of St Michael’s Linlithgow to their Interchurch evening on Wednesday 23rd April 7.30pm at Queen Margaret Hall Linlithgow. It is a musical evening with Margaret Lawers and the Ukulele group. Any ladies wishing to go please add your name to the list in the hall.
Live Stream - In late 2017, we began to live stream Masses and other liturgies celebrated at St Mary’s. Most of these streams remain available on our Facebook page, but Facebook have announced that they will be deleting old live stream videos in the coming weeks and months. If there is a stream you would like us to download, please email with the date and description of the service which was streamed. Please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
Holy Week Timetable
Tuesday 15th April – Stations of the Cross – 7pm
Wednesday 16th April – Ecumenical Way of the Cross – 7pm
Thursday 18th April – Mass of the Last Supper – 7pm
Night Prayer – 8.45pm
Friday 18th April – Morning Prayer – 10am
Liturgy of the Passion – 3pm
Stations of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross – 7pm
Saturday 19th April – Morning Prayer followed by RCIA Retreat – 10am
Blessing of Food (Polish Celebration) – 11.30am
Easter Vigil – 8pm
Sunday 20th April – Easter Sunday Mass – 10am