The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - 29th December 2024
Services this week
6.00pm Vigil Mass
10.00am Mass
No Mass
12.00pm Funeral Mass - Carla Melville
10.00am Mass
6.00pm Mass
10.00am Mass
5.30pm Confessions
6.00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday - Epiphany of the Lord
10.00am Mass
In your charity, please remember in your prayers:
Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Jan Stewart, Amy Robertson, Baby G and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Margaret Clelland, Bridget Timms, Father Doherty, Helen Moffat, Alice Raeburn, Thomas McGeachan and Samuel Coward whose anniversaries occur at about this time. And Carla Melville who died recently. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Latest News…
This weekend we welcome Father Jim Smith in Father Emmanuel’s absence on holiday in Nigeria.
Fr Forrest sends a heart-felt thank you to all those who remembered him at this time of year with their kind words, cards and gifts.
Also, a big thank you from Roisin and Callum for the very many kind words, cards and gifts following Aoife’s arrival.
The Offertory Collection last weekend amounted to £432.21, in addition £345 per month is given through the direct debit facility. grateful thanks to all donors.
A huge thank you to all of those who volunteer for the myriad of jobs that enables the parish to function so effectively throughout the year. Whether it is front of house as a Eucharist Minister, reader, organist, children’s liturgy, passkeeper, camera or hymnal operator etc or in the background as a cleaner, flower arranger, gardener, accounts, admin, member of the PPC, Finance and Fabric Committee and Health and Safety Committees the parish would not be what it is with all of your efforts. If you have a talent that will be beneficial to the parish – don’t be shy, please let us know.
The Christmas Appeal raised the fantastic amounts of £860 for the Salvation Army and £235 for Storehouse which enabled them to distribute forty-six hampers around the town.
200 Club – the book for the 200 club will open next Sunday and each ticket remains at £13 which allows entry to the monthly draw.
During Father Emmanuel’s holiday Mass during the week will be on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The funeral of Carla Melville will take place on 31st December at 12 noon.
Events in the Archdiocese: For a full list of forthcoming events in the Archdiocese visit