Parish News

Third Sunday of Advent - 17th December 2023

Services this Week

Sunday 17th December 2023

Mass     (Intention:  Mr Danny Holland and Family)     10.00am


Holy Communion Service               10.00am


Mass ( Intention:  Sadie Mulraney (Rip))                      10.00am                             


Mass             10.00am


Rosary            9.30am

Mass (Intention:  Sadie Mulraney (Rip))     10.00am


Holy Communion Service     10.00am

Vigil Mass (Intention:  Patricia Harte and Family.)       6.00pm

Sunday 24th December 2023

Mass     10.00am

Carols    11.30pm

Midnight Mass     24.00


In your charity, please remember in your prayers Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart, and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Patrick McCrea, Margaret McAllister, Vince Boardman, John McIntosh, Jimmy White and Margaret Thomson whose anniversaries occur at about this time.


Latest News…


It is Father Emmanuel’s birthday on Wednesday 20th December, and we wish him a very happy birthday. Father will be celebrating Mass at 10am and would like everyone who can attend to do so  and for everyone to offer their prayers for him.


The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £535.05, and £310 was banked from the proceeds of the Piety Stall, grateful thanks to all donors.


Rosary for Life Archbishop Cushley and priests of the Archdiocese will say the Rosary for Life each Monday in Advent at 7:45pm (Zoom). Register at


Mass for the Feast of the Holy Innocents will be celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at midday on Thursday 28 December at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. (Registration is not essential, but helps with catering:


Scout Post The scouts will once again operate a postal service in Bo’ness for Christmas cards with the cost pegged at 30p. The last post is 17th December. Please help the scout elves by using the name, house number or name and the full street.


Pro Life The following is a message from Paul Atkin, the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Officer:


“A Bill is now before the Scottish Parliament which intends to ban prayer.  It’s really important to have your say about this – a Consultation is open for your views until 20th December. You can respond here –   It’s only 5 questions  And I’ve written some easy cut and paste paragraphs to help you: 

Scottish Christians are not in a ‘live and let live’ world anymore.  I remember when Pope Benedict came to Edinburgh in 2010, he warned us about “aggressive secularism”   This Bill is part of that attack so it’s really important to stand up and make your views known about this dangerous Bill.   For extra info, I’ve done a webinar here:

Do, please, MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD – by 20 December.   We need to be Free 2 Pray!”


Christmas Services

Christmas Eve     Carols at 11.30pm followed by Midnight Mass

Christmas Day     Mass at 10am

Boxing Day          Mass at 10am