Parish News

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 27th October 2024

Services this week


6.00pm     Vigil Mass

Sunday - 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

10.00am    Mass


10.00am    Rosary


10.00am    Mass ( Mary Barrett, rip (Anniversary))


10.00am    Mass


5.30pm     Exposition

6.00pm     Mass

Friday - Solemnity of All Saints

10.00am   Mass ( Margaret Fleming, rip, by Pat Family 

7.00pm     Mass

Saturday - Solemnity of All Souls

10.00am    Mass

5.30pm     Confessions

6.00pm     Vigil Mass

Sunday - 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

10.00am    Mass ( Kelly Kilgalla, rip)



In your charity, please remember in your prayers:

Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Jan Stewart, Amy Robertson, Baby G, George Innes, Gillian Jamieson, Tricia Henderson and Jim Paterson and all the sick and the housebound; and Danny McGeachan who died recently Also, Maureen Gallacher, Daniel McGeachan, Margaret O’Reilly, Betty McLaughlin, Helen Hamilton, John Maguire, Edith McDonald, Peter Hempstead, William Dunn, John Mullen, Ewan Hamilton, Mary Barrett, Teddy Gilbert, Josephine McAllister, Anthony Donnachie and Katherine Rodgers whose anniversaries occur at about this time. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Holiday of Obligation – Friday is the Solemnity of All Saints and is a Holiday of Obligation . Mass will be celebrated at 10am and at 7pm. The children from St Mary’s Primary School will be joining us at the 10am Mass.


The Offertory Collection last weekend amounted to £364.74, in addition £345 per month is given through the direct debit facility, and the special collection for the missions raised £303.90, grateful thanks to all donors.


200 Club – the October draw will take place after Mass today.


SVP News - The annual Christmas lunch will be held on Friday December 13th, 1 pm, at the Corbie Inn. The lunch is for retired and infirm parishioners. Lunch requests will be collated later.


RCIA: The next sessions for this year’s RCIA journey will take place on 12th and 26th November at 7pm in the church hall. Everyone is warmly invited to come along to support those making the journey, or simply to learn a bit more about our faith.


October Devotions: For the month of October, we will pray the rosary before Mass on Fridays and Saturdays. 


The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will meet on 31st October at 7pm in the hall. All are welcome to attend.


The Health & Safety Committee will meet on 10th November at 3pm in the hall. If anyone has any H&S issues or concerns, please see Tony.


First Aid – we are updating our list of first aiders ;so, if you are a qualified first aider please add your name to the list in the hall. Thank you.


Vita Consecrata - If you are a young woman wanting to find out more about the Religious Life, join this monthly gathering of socialising, reading, discussion and prayer. It takes place on the first Wednesday of each month, 7-9pm, at the Convent at 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN. Wednesday 2 Oct. Email Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO: