Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1 September 2024
Services this week
6.00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
10.00am Mass
10.00am Holy Communion Service
10.00am Mass (Jim Barrett, rip)
10.00am Mass (Tony Green, rip)
6.30pm Exposition
7.00pm Mass (For the sick and the housebound)
9.30am Rosary
10.00am Mass (Sadie Clelland, rip (requested by Isobel and Alex Grey)
10.00am Holy Communion Service
5.30pm Confessions
6.00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
10.00am Mass
In your charity, please remember in your prayers...
Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Jan Stewart, Amy Robertson, Baby G and all the sick and the housebound. Also, John McAllister, William Simpson, Mary Rutherford, James Haggerty, Nan Tooey and David Millar whose anniversaries occur at about this time, and John Hepburn who died recently. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Latest News…
The Offertory Collection last weekend amounted to £486.50, grateful thanks to all donors.
There will be a meeting of the Finance and fabric and Health and Safety Committees on Sunday 22nd September at 3pm.
200 Club – the August Draw will take place after Mass on Sunday
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the journey taken by adults who wish to become Catholic. If you or someone you know of might be interested in finding out more or starting this journey this year, please get in touch for more information by emailing This journey typically begins later in September, and it’s great to have already had a few expressions of interest!
Health and Safety: There will be the annual practice fire evacuation at both Masses sometime over the next few weeks – be prepared!
The MA in Applied Catholic Theology is a two-year, part-time course hosted by St Mary's University, Twickenham, at its Scottish Campus in Edinburgh. Find out more at Course begins in October 2024
Salamanca Pilgrimage: St Mary’s Parish in Stirling invites people from across the Archdiocese to join them on pilgrimage to Salamanca, Spain, 12–19 October. Email: or call 01786 473749
Events in the Archdiocese: For a full list of forthcoming events in the Archdiocese visit
There will be and tea and coffee after Mass today