Parish News

4th Sunday of Lent - 19th March 2023

4th Sunday of Lent

Sunday19th March 2023

Mass      10.00am     


Holy Communion Service      10.00am


Stations of the Cross and Holy Communion Service        7.00pm


First Confession      7.00pm


Requiem Mass – Andrew Liddle      10.30am


Holy Communion Service      10.00am


Holy Communion Service      10.00am

Vigil Mass        6.00pm

Sunday 26th March 2023

5th Sunday of lent

Mass      10.00am


In your charity, please remember in your prayers Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, and Gerry Henderson and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Agnes Dickson, David Miller, George Hamilton, Bruno Corvi, Joseph Tooey, Canon Portell, John McCue, John Dawson, May Wojtainska,  Tommy Timms and Catherine Snedden whose anniversaries occur about this time.


Latest News…

The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £256.32 and the collection for the  Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception raised £512.34 - grateful thanks to all donors.

Special collection: “This weekend there will be a special collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities (including SCIAF). The money you donate is used to support much needed projects for people in need across the world. We pray for all those involved in charities of the Church, which help those in need across the world. Thank you for your generosity in almsgiving during Lent.” – Archbishop Leo 

St Mary’s Primary School’s Faith in Action Group is having a bake sale on 29th March  to raise funds for SCIAF. Donations of baking to sell to the pupils  will be greatly appreciated.

The Funeral Mass of Andrew Liddle will take place at 10.30am on Thursday 23rd March. His remains will be received into the church on Wednesday 22nd March at 6pm. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Sacramental Preparation: Thanks to everyone who attended the recent parental information evening for those preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. An information evening will be held for parents/carers of children preparing for First Communion (Primary 4) on Wednesday 3rd May at 7pm. If your child is preparing for these sacraments but does not attend St Mary’s RC Primary School, please email as soon as possible. 

We will celebrate sacraments for our children on the following dates:

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confessions): Wednesday 22nd March at 7pm
  • Sacrament of Confirmation: Wednesday 19th April at 7pm
  • First Communion: Sunday 4th June at 1pm

Lent talks: Discover Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah with four online talks from the Archdiocese. They are hosted by Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM and continue at 7:30pm on Wednesday 15 and Wednesday 22 March. Register at Catch up on YouTube:

Lent Retreat: A retreat entitled Encountering Jesus will take place at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh. It is led by Fr Bart Parys, a Divine Word Missionary based in Ireland, and it will help you draw closer to Jesus in Lent. Fri 24 Mar 7:30pm - 8:30pm; Sat 25 Mar 10:00am - 3:00pm; Sun 26 Mar 9:30am - 11:00am. No registration required.

Relics of Padre Pio: Relics of Padre Pio are touring Scotland (including his gloves and bloodstained bandages). They visit the Archdiocese on Friday 24 March at 7:00pm in Ss John Cantius & Nicholas Church, West Main Street, Broxburn. There will be Holy Mass and a chance to receive an individual blessing with the relics. A special invitation is extended to the sick and the suffering. Teas/coffee served in church hall afterwards.

Archdiocesan Stations of the Cross: This takes place on Monday 3 April at 7:45pm on Zoom. It is a chance to pray for all pro-life intentions and includes a reflection from Archbishop Leo. Register at

Palm Sunday talk: Archbishop Leo hosts a talk about Palm Sunday on Monday 27 March at 7:30pm. It is for those who want to better understand the background to the liturgy and prepare for the day. Register for this Zoom talk at