Parish News

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 8th October 2023

Services this Week

Sunday 8 October 2023

Mass               10.00am


Holy Communion Service     10.00am


Rosary          9.30am

Mass            10.00am

Mass intention:  Caroline Mary Cassidy (Well-being) 


Rosary          9.30am

Mass             10.00am


Holy Communion Service     10.00am

Vigil Mass       6.00pm

Sunday 15 October 2023

Mass               10.00am


In your charity, please remember in your prayers Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Angeline McKenna, Scott Romanes, Mary Savage, Jeannie McAvoy, Helen Holland, Ellen McNeill, Minnie Mulholland, Jaen Clelland, James Hamilton and Thomas Wilson whose anniversaries occur at about this time.


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Dear Parishioners,  the Holy Mass we celebrate is the greatest sacrifice ever made and the greatest prayer that can ever be offered to the Eternal Father.  I encourage us to take consistent advantage of this privilege and request Masses to be said for our deceased loved ones and family members especially on the anniversaries, for ourselves and family members on birthdays, for the Sick and for divine intervention in different areas of our lives. Mass Intention envelopes will be made available for this. Thanks for your cooperation. Father Emmanuel.


The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £522.98, including a donation of £100, grateful thanks to all donors.



Father Emmanuel is holding an informal meeting with all the volunteers in the parish. So, if you volunteer in any way, or would be interested in doing so, please come along at 7pm on 11th October.


Fire Evacuation Exercise

Over the next few weeks, we will be conducting our annual fire evacuation exercise at both Masses.


Safeguarding Event 

The National Safeguarding Conference takes place on Saturday 18 November in Glasgow. The event is for anyone who has a safeguarding responsibility in a parish. Register at


Teams of Our Lady

Teams is a worldwide lay movement within the Catholic Church that aims to help married couples grow in their love of Christ and each other, recognising that Christian marriage is a precious gift that we need to nurture. Teams consist of four to six couples and a spiritual counsellor, often a priest, who meet roughly once a month in each other's homes becoming, over time, a strong supportive group. An open information evening takes place on Tuesday 10 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm in Ss John Cantius & Nicholas Church Hall, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ.


Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh hosts five evenings of special talks with US theologian Professor James Edwards. Begins 23 October. Tickets/details at 


Retreat in Daily Life
Fr David Stewart SJ leads a four-week Retreat in Daily Life from 1 October to 5 November. You can make this individually guided retreat without leaving your home, just attend the welcome gathering at the start, and a similar shared closing at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. For an application pack and more details email