Parish News

Sixth Sunday of Easter - 5th May 2024

Services this week

Saturday 4th May 2024

5.30pm      Confesasions

6.00pm      Vigil Mass

Sunday 5th May

10.00am     Mass  


10.00am     Holy Communion service


9.30am      Rosary

10.00am     Mass (Susan Dun, rip.  Donor: Pat Family 


10.00am     Mass (Sandy Peirs,rip  Donor: Isobel & Alex Gray)


6.30pm      Exposition

7.00pm      Mass


9.30am      Rosary

10.00am    Mass (Margaret Vallance, rip (Anniversary))


10.00am     Holy Communion Service

5.30pm      Confessions

6.00pm      Vigil Mass  (David Clelland

Sunday 12th May 2024

10.00am     Mass


In your charity, please remember in your prayers...

Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart,  Sadie Clelland, Peter Haggerty, Baby G and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Catherine McGuire, John White, Isobel Boardman, William McCubbin and Thomas Thomson whose anniversaries occur about this time.


Latest News…


Message from Father Emmanuel: For the month of May there will be Rosary before Mass both Tuesdays and Fridays. Parishioners are encouraged to pray the rosary daily.  


The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £477.88 - grateful thanks to all donors. Next week there will be a Special collection for World Communications Day.


SVP News many thanks to all who supported us financially over the financial year. Income was £3200 and expenditure was £3000. A detailed breakdown of the figures is available on request.


The annual Mass for Married and Engaged Couples is on Wednesday 29 May at 7.15pm in St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. Come and celebrate the gift of marriage, renew your commitment and receive God's blessing upon your love.


Father Emmanuel is away over this weekend, and we welcome back Father Peter Kelly to celebrate Mass with us.


A Day with Mary: If you have children aged p4-p7 why not sign them up for A Day with Mary? It takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, on Saturday 11 May 2024, 11:00am to 3:00pm, and is a chance for them to learn more about the Blessed Virgin in her month of May, while enjoying games and activities with kids from across the Archdiocese. You can register on the Archdiocese website.


Pentecost Healing Service led by Fr Frankie Mulgrew, this takes place at St Matthew's, 36 Carnethie Street, Rosewell, EH24 9AT, on Friday 17 May at 7:00pm. Come and experience the healing power of Jesus. Event organised by New Dawn in Scotland Ministries.


Salamanca Pilgrimage: St Mary's Parish in Stirling invites people from across the Archdiocese to join them on pilgrimage to Salamanca, Spain, 12-19 October.

Email: or call 01786 473749.



Pope Francis has called upon all of us to pray for peace in our troubled world. Thanks to our connections with Pax Christi Scotland, we are delighted to have received a Peace Lamp from the Palestinian village of Taybeh which is located in the West Bank. The Peace Lamp initiative was launched in Taybeh in 2004 by Fr. Raed Abusahlia, the village priest, both as a means to unite the world in prayer for the Holy Land and to create employment for young people in the village.  Taybeh is currently the last village in the Holy Land populated entirely by Christians, and this source of employment and income is vital to the community.


Peace Lamps can now be found on the altars of St Peter's in Rome, Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, St Catherine's in Bethlehem, and thousands of churches throughout the world. We are delighted that our sanctuary will now be numbered among them. The lamp will sit near the statue of Our Lady, and we would invite you to pray to the Queen of Peace for all places of conflict and discord around the world, with this lamp being a special reminder to us all to do so. In a particular way, as this lamp burns brightly, please pray for peace in the Holy Land which Jesus called home, so that we might work towards Fr Raed’s goal:


“Our goal is to place a "Peace Lamp" in every single church in the world and to unite as many Christians and people of faith as possible in a common prayer for peace in the Holy Land.”




There will be tea and coffee after Mass on Sunday – all are welcome!